If you’re curious, Big Head Productions is a comic book company, whose conception came in 2015. The inspiration for creating Big Head Productions came from the simple passion of wanting to create comics and art overall.
When it comes to comics, any aspiring, even established professional will tell you, breaking into the industry is an incredibly difficult thing. But going to conventions big & small, attending panels about industry business & how to break-in, there was one common takeaway, specifically a quote, from then, Marvel Recruiter, C.B. Cebluski (now Editor-in-Chief), “You don’t need anyone’s permission to make comics.”
And I’m not going to lie, that definitely resonated with me.
And with that, Big Head Productions was born.
The initial goal has been to create a channel for myself to get my work into the marketplace and make a living from it. But the long-term goal for Big Head Productions has been for it to grow to a point where it can offer other aspiring creators a channel to get their work into the marketplace, and hopefully make money from doing it.
Granted, there are other publishers with the same mission. But as they grew, their business model always seemed to differ to established creatives & their creator-owned projects. And by no means hating on that. Businesses need to be profitable. And banking on an established name, and built-in audience, you can’t fault on that.
But here, definitely hoping to achieve a level to where the next unknown artist and/or writer can find a platform to share their work and not have to be a starving artist for it.
That said, welcome, and I hope you’ll find Big Head Productions a great place for engaging stories, art and come back soon.
Thanks for stopping by!
— Ben Lee,
Creator, Storyteller, Founder, and President of Big Head Productions